Friday, April 13, 2007

aqui! aqui!

Fun facts before you go to bed;

1. nicaraguans love their casinos. they especially love slot machines. i think it has something to do with the dream of getting rich in a piss poor country (by the way, mongolia is the only country i´ve been in that´s poorer... with qualifications). just across the street are plenty of slots and it´s packed. the other favorite pasttime appears to be playing soccer in front of hundred year old churches, having the goal be the front door and portico. there´s even a painted soccer field on the plaza, so i´m guessing the city encourages it. It´s a mix of sport and religion...quite a sight!

2. you must negotiate with the teenage kid who wants to speak english with you on a set price for companionship BEFORE he accompanies you through the local cathedrals and museums. you must also realize that what he considers a tour guide is really just a person who reads you the title cards, in spanish, so you don´t have to strain your eyes in the low light. he´ll demand an outstanding fee for this service. upwards of $4. you will only pay him $1.30, then take his picture.

3. while eating out alone, it is muy importante that you order a beverage called tiste. It´s a slushy corn meal sweet drink and it passes the time as you gaze out at the quiet street scene outside waiting for your fried fish and rice. and don´t eat the salad.

4. always have a 1 cordoba piece on your person for the sole reason of surrendering it upon some pestering lady´s request.

5. parakeets, when they congregate in a clump of palm trees, are the loudest godawful squawkfest you´ll ever hear.

Now, time for bed and dream of volcanoes.


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